Recent Stories

Wet & Wild Destinations

Destination waterparks need to attract business and keep people coming back for more to stay afloat. With surfing simulators, clever marketing and continual changes and expansion, the best and brightest waterparks are finding success.

Getting Colder, Getting Darker

Autumn is officially here. With bells on. From up here on the fourth floor in downtown Palatine, Ill., I can look out at the tops of trees going red, orange and yellow. It's getting to be sweater weather, flannel-shirt weather, make-sure-you-grab-a-jacket weather.

Stop & Go

Restrooms are available in a range of styles and setups so you can find just what you need to suit your site. Whether you're looking for a plumbed and powered facility or a simple vault toilet, your options abound.

The 5 W's of Enzymes

Enzyme products have evolved over the years to suit many needs for every body of water. Learn more about the ins and outs of enzymes.

Overjoyed in the Ozarks

When the University of Cincinnati replaced its synthetic turf surface, it led to an unexpected playing surface upgrade at a Southwest Missouri high school.

Maintenance & Operations

Do you know what's in your janitor's closet? In many cases, you can save costs by reducing redundancies and using the most effective products available, as well as by making purchases as part of a group.