Featured Story


Parks for pets and people need more than just a fence and waste receptacles. To ensure a safe and effective dog park, you need to know some best practices.

Take It Year-Round

Expanding access to swimming and sports programs often means constructing an enclosure to contain those programs during inclement weather. Alternative structure solutions make it simple.

Expanding Access

Access to parks and recreation—both places and programs—can improve a community’s health and cohesiveness. Here, we take a closer look at how park districts across the country are expanding access through outreach to underserved audiences.

Playing the Field

Whether you're looking to build a field for baseball, soccer, football or lacrosse, and whether you're opting for natural or synthetic turf, you need to ask a lot of questions up front to get the most out of your investment.

Challenge Minus Danger

The best playgrounds encourage kids to stretch beyond their comfort zone and take some risks—but they do it without compromising safety.

Better Together

They say two heads are better than one, and in the case of providing programs and services to the community, sometimes it pays to partner up with another organization.

On the Front Lines, Making a Difference

Drowning rates have been relatively flat for the past couple of decades, but grassroots organizations across the country, as well as innovative manufacturers, have been working toward solutions.

Plan to Recover

From wildfires to hurricanes and more, Mother Nature can do a lot of damage. Parks and recreation areas that are faced with natural disasters should have plans in place to recover smoothly.

Play It Safe

Given that falls to the surface are the cause of most playground-related injuries and E.R. visits, understanding playground safety surfaces is crucial.

Spread the Word

You don’t need a huge marketing budget to be effective at getting the public into your facilities and programs. You just need to take advantage of the tools at your disposal.