From Thrill-Seekers to Chill-Seekers, Waterparks Aim to Please Waterparks continue to expand their offerings, providing something to meet the needs of every likely visitor.
Splash Play Innovations Bring Water Fun to Everyone Still growing its impact in communities across the country, splash play provides an inclusive and fun respite on hot summer days.
Effective Marketing Strategies to Increase Waterpark Visits We talked to successful waterpark operators across the U.S. to uncover their savviest marketing ideas.
After a major impact on attendance and usage of park facilities in the early phase of the pandemic in 2020, park respondents have seen growing usage since.
With an investment of $254.68 million into 54 projects in 24 states for the redevelopment or creation of new local parks, the National Park Service has made the single largest grant investment ever from the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (ORLP), part of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
Just as waterparks have developed into ever more complex offerings of water fun, splash play has arisen and grown, with more and more communities providing a place to splash and have fun without the dangers of deeper water.