Recent Articles

Pandemic Challenges Access to Youth Sports

According to a recent survey of youth sports parents, about four out of 10 kids who previously played sports face reduced services during the coronavirus pandemic. Learn more about the new challenges for youth sports.

A Life Remembered With Play

Recently, Martinsburg, W.Va., saw the unveiling of the new Chuck Taylor Memorial Playground, honoring the life of a long-time playground distribution partner.

Getting Back Together

The pandemic may have put a halt to in-person events for a while, but event planners are getting back on track, ensuring we can all gather again, safely.

So Fresh, So Clean

Indoor pools mean swimmers can enjoy fun and fitness in the water all year long, but if you're not on top of air and water maintenance, the experience can quickly turn negative. Learn more about how to maintain good air and water quality.

Nonstop Inclusion

Playground manufacturers have been on the leading edge of a trend to go well beyond the requirements of the ADA guidelines to provide true inclusion for the past decade and more. Find out why inclusion matters and how these efforts are expanding to other recreational venues.

Where Does the Time Go?

A couple weeks ago, I attended an indoor concert (with vaccination cards checked and masks required, if you're wondering) for the first time since 2020. Funnily enough, it was in the same concert hall where I saw my final pre-pandemic concert—even the seat I sat in was within 10 feet of the same spot.

Educating & Advancing Aquatics With PHTA

In January 2019, The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals and the National Swimming Pool Foundation decided to unify as a single organization, and since then, the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance has been advancing in its core purpose of promoting safe and healthy pool and hot tub environments.