Recent Articles

Aquatic Trends Report

In our first summary report of Aquatic Trends, we surveyed nearly 1,000 aquatics professionals to find out more about the equipment and amenities found in their facilities, as well as programming, regulatory compliance, major challenges and issues, and much more.

A Pathway to Nature

Creative design takes visitors up into the trees at this unique nature play area in Michigan.

Take It Year-Round

Expanding access to swimming and sports programs often means constructing an enclosure to contain those programs during inclement weather. Alternative structure solutions make it simple.

Expanding Access

Access to parks and recreation—both places and programs—can improve a community’s health and cohesiveness. Here, we take a closer look at how park districts across the country are expanding access through outreach to underserved audiences.

How Do You Measure Up?

Every year in June, we publish our annual State of the Industry Report, a collection of data we've been gathering for nearly 13 years and compiling to show you the latest trends and information on the recreation, sports and fitness facility industry. As part of that report, we always include a section on facilities that include aquatics.

The Perfect, and the Good

As I sit down to write to you today, it is exactly three weeks into the new year. There is snow on the ground, and it's finally gotten properly cold. And the vast majority of resolutions are on the verge of failure.

Aquatic Trends Report

In our first summary report of Aquatic Trends, we surveyed nearly 1,000 aquatics professionals to find out more about the equipment and amenities found in their facilities, as well as programming, regulatory compliance, major challenges and issues, and much more.

Detroit Creates a Community

The Downtown Detroit Partnership has created public spaces around the Michigan city that bring millions of people together annually to play, learn, laugh, get active and more.