Recent Articles

Taking It OUTSIDE!

In the war against the chronic illness and other problems caused by Americans' expanding waistlines, outdoor fitness areas are one particularly effective weapon.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Parks

Social equity has long been a goal for parks and recreation professionals. Here, we talk to some experts to learn some best practices for ensuring everyone has a voice and can participate.

The Right Rest Stop

Whether you're beginning with a rustic, rural site or a downtown park with electrical and plumbing hookups in place, there's a restroom structure ready and able to meet your needs.

Reaping the Benefits of Diversity

I am in the midst of what will be my best year in the garden ever. Even if everything got wiped out by a storm or a swarm tomorrow, this still will be a more productive year than any I've ever had. A more beautiful year. A more fruitful year. The abundance of flowers and vegetables at this moment makes every bit of sweaty work worth it.

The Last Word with…Shawna Levins

You might say that Shawna Levins' interest in the recreation industry was in her DNA. In the 1950s, '60s and '70s, her father, Jan Madrid, was a professional wrestler, whom she called "one of the industry's greatest and most flamboyant showmen."

Dog Parks: Something More for People & Pets

The best pet parks provide something a little different. At this park in downtown Belvidere, Ill., you can play with your pooch and then get Fido all cleaned up before you head home.

Aquatics: The Air in There

When this indoor aquatic facility hosted a large competitive event, it found its air handling system was not up to snuff. Now, with the right solution in place, swimmers and staffers are protected.

The Fundamentals of Fun

When you're hosting a festival or event, there's some basic, though temporary, infrastructure that can help you put on a great show. From mobile stages and bleachers to concessions and more, we take a look at how to outfit your fest.