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CPSC Awards Pool Safely Grants

The Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) Pool Safely Grant Program will award more than $2 million to eight state and local governments. 

Tangent Wood: The Backbone of Minnesota Zoo’s Treetop Trail

Sponsored by Tangent Technologies

The Minnesota Zoo Treetop Trail is a pioneering 1.25-mile elevated pedestrian loop. Recognized as the world's longest elevated trail, the zoo chose Tangent wood as its boardwalk material based on the product's durability, sustainability and visual appeal. Opening earlier this summer, the Treetop Trail allows guests to marvel at the unique views of zoo animals from tigers to camels all from more than 30 feet above ground.


Parks Rise to the Challenges of Wellness, Inclusion, Conservation & More

We asked Industry Report respondents about their involvement in a variety of initiatives related to inclusion and outreach, conservation and wellness, and in every case, park respondents were leading the way. Some 93.9% of park respondents said they were involved in at least one initiative on the list.