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inPRACTICE / PARKS & RECREATION: Pandemic? Hunt Monsters!

The pandemic might have put a stop to a lot of programming for large groups of people, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. This creative program in Fountain Valley gave kids a chance to get outdoors and hunt monsters while maintaining social distancing.

The Fitness Challenge

Like many businesses, fitness facilities have struggled to stay afloat amidst the rolling closures of the coronavirus pandemic. Staying competitive is more important than ever, which means knowing the latest trends is crucial.

Raise the Woof!

Dog parks have been among the fastest-growing amenities in parks for the past decade or more, and the pandemic has only further emphasized that people need an outdoor place to take their pets (and themselves) for exercise and socialization. But setting up a dog park isn’t as simple as fencing off an area and letting the pooches play.

Field Goals

When it comes to creating effective sports fields for players of all ages, there are many factors to take into account. From turf and lighting choices to seating and other amenities, ensuring the safety and comfort of players and spectators is key.

New Year, New Opportunities

The year 2020 was not a kind one for a huge number of industries and people, and aquatics were among those that felt the pain. Some facilities never opened. Others opened much later than usual. And many, when they did open, had to keep locker rooms closed and strictly limit the number of visitors in the facility at any one time.

Reelin' in the Years

Any Steely Dan fans? Possibly one of the best starts to a second side ever, isn't it? And if you don't know what I'm talking about, well … I'm not the sort who minds aging myself. It's one of those songs that connects to a specific moment, for me

NIRSA's Ongoing Mission: 70-Plus Years in the Making

NIRSA began as the National Intramural Association in 1950 when Founder Dr. William Wasson, recognizing a need for knowledge and shared community within the profession, convened a meeting of 20 representatives from 11 Historically Black Colleges and Universities in New Orleans, the first conference for the organization.

A Deep Dive Into Aquatic Facility Trends

With more than a decade of industry-wide research under our belt, in 2018, Recreation Management launched our first Aquatic Trends Report. Last year, we expanded further on this concept, and created our first pull-out report on aquatic trends.

Just Keep Swimming

It is safe to assume that not a single stakeholder in the aquatics industry—from pool owners and operators to lifeguards and other staff members to the public who eagerly show up to learn to swim, exercise and just generally enjoy the water—avoided feeling some impact from the ongoing closures and changes to business caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.