Recent Stories

Expanding Possibilities

Nearly 8 million students currently participate in sports at the high school level, according to the NCAA, and they all need a place to play. This feature will examine some of the latest ideas in high school athletic facility design.

Worlds of Water Fun

When it comes to designing community aquatic parks, it's crucial to plan carefully to ensure the facility can be as close to self-sustaining as possible. Find out more about aquatic designers approach this challenge.

The Spaces We Share

The best designed parks become destinations for people near and far. Here, we talk to landscape design professionals to find out how to build an engaging and aesthetically pleasing park.

Planning for Flexibility & Wellness

Indoor pools are increasingly designed with attention to the health of swimmers and staff. Here, we take a look at current musts in natatorium design, as well as taking a peak into what will be tomorrow's trends.

Be Well

Whether it's a parks and recreation community center, a YMCA or a college recreation center, multipurpose facilities have evolved in similar ways over the past decade. They all share a mission to build a community of wellness.

Sow & Reap

Here we are at the beginning again—and not just the beginning of another new year, but the kickoff of the '20s. If you've been a reader of Recreation Management for more than a couple of years, you already know I have a fondness for beginnings.


I suspect it's a cliché to suggest that the year 2020 brings vision to mind, but since it does, I'd like to take this time to express gratitude for all those conservation-minded people and organizations with the vision to, hopefully, help us improve our individual and collective environmental footprint.

Delta Hotels Debuts in Northern Baltimore

Delta Hotels Baltimore North opened in Northern Baltimore in the historic neighborhood of Roland Park. The property is Delta's first branded hotel in Baltimore North. Delta Hotels by Marriott Baltimore North is managed by Greenwood Hospitality.

Tampa Bay Rays Improve Weather Safety

In September 2018, the Tampa Bay Rays saw an impressive crowd showing up for a game with the New York Yankees, when a lightning strike led to a momentary loss of power. Now, real-time weather threats allow the stadium to better plan.