Recent Stories

Add Shade to the Playground

Most people are well aware of the dangers of too much sun exposure. The sun's harmful UV rays are the leading cause of skin cancer, and more people are finding ways to protect themselves and their children by using sunscreen and looking for shady places to play.

Got a Problem?

Recreation, sports and fitness facilities present unique challenges to the folks who run them every day. Some of those challenges are minor and relatively simple to fix, while others are big problems that require big investments.

It Takes a Community

If you want to ensure success for a new park, program or facility, it’s important to begin with community input. In fact, the better you are at getting your community involved up front in the planning process, the more likely your new facility will see success.


Welcome to our annual Problem-Solver Idea Book.

Packed with scores of ideas, this reference tool was designed to help you tackle your most persistent and universal challenges, covering all the big basic questions. Consider it an industry guidebook of sorts, chock full of straightforward problem-solving tips.


Building Up the Tradition

In Lake Placid, N.Y., home to the 1980 Winter Olympics, a ski lodge was recently given a boost, when a fabric building was added to help ease congestion.

Splash Play: Keeping It Safe

When people come to the park, they expect the amenities they enjoy to be safe for their use. Here, an expert in splash play takes a closer look at how to design spraygrounds safely.

Park Design & Planning: Celebrating History

Many years of planning were necessary before this new park saw its grand opening. Incorporating a bit of local history, Clear Creek Valley Park offers a wide array of amenities.

Rolling Right Along

Cycling is popular with people of all ages, whether it's a simple and slow ride through the park or a thrill-inducing jaunt along a mountain bike trail.

Need Fun? Just Add Water!

If you want to bring more people to your pool to take part in programs and more, think about what you're offering. Simple additions can make all the difference.

Slow and Steady

Following up on our State of the Industry Report, we offer the results culled from a survey of more than 1,700 professionals in the recreation, sports and fitness industry, who discussed everything from salaries to job satisfaction.