Recent Stories

Light & Air

When I was a kid, we made a yearly trip from Illinois to Alabama to visit my grandparents and other extended family members. And every year we took that trip, at some point, we would marvel over the ability of kudzu to cover… whatever it wanted to cover. Now, if you've no experience with kudzu, let me tell you a bit about it.

The Last Word with…Judy Muenchow

What Judy Muenchow loves most about the recreation industry is the relationships and connections with people-those who work in the profession, and those who participate in recreation programs and services.

Expand Your Water Testing Options

Regular water testing is critical to ensure there is an adequate level of sanitizer in the water, and that other parameters are in balance. Here, we take a look at different types of DPD test methods.

Something for Everyone

Inclusive play means going beyond simple accessibility to ensure kids of all abilities can play together, and many leaders in play design have turned their focus to ensure it's getting attention.


YMCAs, JCCs and Boys & Girls Clubs continue to offer a wide range of opportunities for their members. Here we consider the latest trends in these mostly-nonprofit facilities.

Health, Fitness & Sports Clubs

Health, fitness and sports clubs represent a unique segment of the market, more often operating as for-profit facilities that must make ends meet. Here's a look at how things are shaping up for these facilities.

Schools & School Districts

Schools and school districts hold a unique place in many communities, providing sports and fitness opportunities for their students, and sometimes the wider community. Here's a look at trends in schools and school districts.

Colleges & Universities

Colleges and universities have seen budget cuts at the state level, but they still provide wellness, sports, fitness and recreation to students via innovative and beautiful facilities. Here's a look at on-campus trends.

Parks & Recreation

Parks and recreation respondents make up the largest portion of the survey audience. Here, we examine some of the trends in these facilities.


Camp facilities give people a way to get away from it all. Here, we'll take a look at trends in these facilities, which include campgrounds, youth camps and more.