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Community Centers

Community centers are hubs of activity, providing a place where people can play, compete and focus on wellness. This web-exclusive story looks at the latest trends in these facilities.

Up and Up

Life has its little-and big-ups and downs. But if you're a professional who owns, operates or manages recreation, sports and fitness facilities, and you're looking at the larger picture, things have mostly been looking up for the past five years or so.


This section covers trends in facilities that include indoor or outdoor pools, splash play areas, waterparks and spas, including a look at aquatics-specific features and programs.

2017 State of the INDUSTRY

More than 1,700 professionals responded to our call for information about their facilities, budgets, construction plans, operations, programming, staffing and more. Here, we summarize their responses.

Regional Information

Here we take a look at trends in facilities across the country, breaking down the information by region to understand how things differ depending on which part of the country they're located.

The Purple Haze

Now that winter is over, recreational pools are pulling off the covers and getting ready for summer fun. But sometimes, what’s lurking under that cover needs some attention.

The State-of-the-Art Student Experience

When this nearly 1,000-student school opened its new Chase Family Fitness Center in 2015, it expanded its goal to develop its students and staff spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically. Learn more about the new complex.

Sports Fields: The Right Team

When Miami-Dade County saw growing demand for soccer programs, it turned to a partnership to provide what residents were looking for.