Recent Stories

From Land to Landscape

From engaging your community to getting the right team together, turning your land into a landscape that will draw visitors is a big task.

Space For Fun & Wellness

Multipurpose facilities like YMCAs and community recreation centers aim to please a wide array of members with diverse offerings. Here are some of the most recent trends in facility design for these wide-ranging facilities.

Fitness Forever

There's always something new in the fitness world, and fitness facilities must adapt to provide what customers want. Here's how to design your facility to meet the needs of your audience.

If You Build It...

Fewer people have been showing up for games at colleges and universities, and so forward-thinking schools are designing new stadiums and facilities that provide more of what modern crowds are looking for.

We're All in This Together

Sometimes it seems like the gulfs that divide people—people of different cultures and beliefs, people from different backgrounds or locales, people with different levels of education or economic status—make it impossible to reach across and find commonality. But in this industry, where the whole point is helping people find their way into activities that support their wellness, their happiness, their sense of community—it doesn't take long to see how we are more alike than different.

The Last Word with…Carolyn Nagle

As a college student majoring in Recreation and Park Administration (with an emphasis in Therapeutic Recreation) at Illinois State University, Carolyn Nagle's first "real" job in the recreation industry was directing the first summer day camp program for the Limestone Township Park District in Illinois.

Evolving Aquatics

Building on a base of swim lessons, municipal aquatic facilities have grown their offerings to provide far more. Here's how design teams have innovated to bring more to community pools and aquatic centers.

Preventing Pool Problems

A recent study revealed that people do, indeed, pee in pools. But the National Swimming Pool Foundation says that's no reason to stop swimming, and offers ways that coaches and facility managers can tackle this problem.

Tips on Maintaining Safe Swimming Spaces

As swimming continues to grow as a preferred method of exercise, commercial aquatic facilities see an increasing number of users year after year. Facility operators and managers need to keep abreast of the best ways to keep the pool, deck area and locker rooms as safe as possible for all patrons.