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Maximize Pool Deck Space

When your aquatic facility hosts a wide variety of programs, including a combination of swim clubs and meets with recreational swimming and aquatic exercise, it can be difficult to ensure the right equipment is in place at the right time—and safely stowed away when it's not needed. Manufacturers of aquatic equipment have come up with a wide range of solutions that can help you make the most of limited space.

Create a Unique Playground

When building new playgrounds, many communities are trying to find ways to create a space that is imaginative and unique, offering a destination for local families and visitors alike. Creating a play destination might seem like a challenging undertaking, but it doesn't have to be difficult.

Maintain Your Restroom Structures

From daily wear and tear to harsh weather to vandalism, you need to make sure you know how to handle the regular maintenance needs of your restroom structures—and how to deal with damage when it does occur. If you begin with a well-constructed restroom structure designed to fit the needs of your site and then follow proper maintenance practices, you're off to a good start.

There's an App(lication) for That

Recreation, sports and fitness facilities present unique challenges to the folks who run them every day. Some of those challenges are minor and relatively simple to fix, while others are big problems that require big investments.


Welcome to our annual Problem-Solver Idea Book.Packed with scores of ideas, this reference tool was designed to help you tackle your most persistent and universal challenges, covering all the big basic questions. Consider it an industry guidebook of sorts, chock full of straightforward problem-solving tips.

Show Me the Money

Parks, sports, recreation and fitness facilities are finding innovative new ways to save money and make their budgets work. Whether through energy conservation, creative partnering or any of a number of other methods, these new strategies are delivering results.