Recent Articles

Arlington, Va., Named 'Fittest City'

Arlington, Va., has been named "America's Fittest City" in the annual American Fitness Index rankings published by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Elevance Health Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Elevance Health.

ORR Releases Report on Careers in Outdoor Recreation

The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) released a new report on career opportunities in the $689 billion outdoor recreation sector, to help industry leaders, policymakers and prospective workers understand how these jobs provide outstanding quality of life, support conservation goals, strengthen local economies, and connect Americans to the great outdoors.

IHRSA 2022 Reconnects Global Fitness Industry

For the first time, fitness industry professionals gathered in Miami Beach, Fla., to attend IHRSA's 41st International Convention & Trade Show. The theme of this year's event rallied around moving forward, together.

Think Differently

Yurts instead of cabins! Enclosures for aquatics! Clear-span structures for sports activities! There are myriad unique structures available to help you take your sports, fitness and recreation activities under cover.

Capturing the Spirit of Puget Sound

Windjammer Park in Oak Harbor, Wash., recently saw a complete renovation that included the addition of an iconic, custom-designed splash play area.

Pathway Lighting Reinvigorates Running Trail

The popular Amazon Park Running Trail in Eugene, Ore., recently was rebuilt with a thicker rock base, new surfacing and drainage. In addition, lighting was introduced or upgraded along sections of the trail.

The Dog Days Are Early This Year

Hellllooo, heat wave! Sitting here in the midst of it (OK, really, it's starting to peter out at this point; yesterday "felt like" 110 degrees), I'm hoping you're all coping as best you can.

Flexibility & Innovation

Aquatic facilities are continually adjusting their programming lineup to reach a diverse array of community members with fun, fitness, competition and more. Here’s how to expand your programming lineup with the latest and greatest new ideas.