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Outdoor Fitness Comes Into Its Own

When the pandemic forced most gyms to shut down or reduce capacity, many members took their workouts to the great outdoors. As a result, outdoor fitness, which was already seeing a boom, has really taken off.

Your Pool Toolkit

The "if you build it, they will come" concept might work for some facilities, but when it comes to swimming pools, once built, you need to outfit them with the right mix of accessories to maximize attendance.

Safe Havens

From pavilions that provide a central focal point for a park to shade sails that offer sun protection for swimmers in the pool, there's a multitude of ways to beautify your site and please your patrons with shelters and shade.

The Only Constant

A pal of mine calls the crickets and locusts "school bugs," and sure enough, you can count on a crescendo of their nightly symphony right around the same time that you start getting ready to go back to school.

Cleaning Up With Keep America Beautiful

Nine out of 10 people believe that litter is a problem in their states—unsurprising given that there are 50 billion pieces of litter on the ground along U.S. roadways and waterways alone, according to The Keep America Beautiful 2020 National Litter Study.

Earn Revenue to Support Your Dog Park

Communities across the country have been adding dog parks at a rapid pace. In fact, the Trust for Public Land reports a 42% increase in dog parks since 2009. These parks can be as simple or complex as you'd like, as long as they provide a secure place for dogs to socialize and play. But finding funding to expand your amenities for dogs and their owners may present a challenge.

Create a Farmers Market Space

Farmers markets help preserve farmland and rural livelihoods, stimulate the local economy, promote sustainability and help increase access to fresh foods, boosting the wellness of the communities they serve. Providing a dedicated space for a farmers market will help boost its appeal and create a stronger sense of community.

Keep Your Facility Clean

A clean and well-maintained facility is essential if you want to attract new patrons and keep existing ones coming back. From day to day, your staff can do a lot to make sure things are looking their best, but you need to make sure you're well-supplied.

Protect Swimmers From the Sun

Most of us understand that the sun's dangerous ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer, and the No. 1 way the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention recommend to protect yourself is shade. But when it comes to aquatic facilities, many swimmers spend time in the water and on the pool deck completely exposed to the sun, raising the risk.

The Importance of Ventilation in Aquatics

Pool enclosures have always provided a savvy way to offer both indoor and outdoor aquatics, ensuring swimmers can access the water year-round. But on top of that, the ability to let in outside air provides ventilation benefits.