Recent Articles

Stadiums & Arenas: Flexibility at the Forefront

Safety remains a concern for arenas and stadiums, leading facilities to be more strategic and creative than ever in their spatial planning to ensure safety and comfort without sacrificing the energy of the game-day experience.

Problem Solvers

Welcome to our annual Problem-Solver Idea Book.

Packed with scores of ideas, this reference tool was designed to help you tackle your most persistent and universal challenges, covering all the big basic questions. Consider it an industry guidebook of sorts, chock full of straightforward problem-solving tips.


Protect Swimmers From the Sun
Create a Farmers Market Space


Accessorize Aquatics to Attract Patrons

The pandemic forced the closure of many aquatic facilities. Now that they're reopening, they're looking for ways to attract new and former patrons back to the water. Adding accessories that pack a big punch can give aquatic facilities a "waterpark-like" pizzazz.

Keep Your Pool's Water Clear & Safe

Job No. 1 for aquatic facility operators is keeping swimmers safe in the water. Maintaining good water quality in your pool prevents waterborne illnesses while providing a clear view for lifeguards.

Risk Management & Claims Handling

Whether you're planning a special event or you want to provide year-round recreation, sports and fitness programs to the community, you understand how crucial it is to stay on top of risk management and safety concerns. But no matter how comprehensive your approach to safety is, accidents still can and do happen.

Save Money at Your Pool

At the beginning of July 2021, nearly 40% of the United States was experiencing drought, with extreme or exceptional drought conditions plaguing much of the country west of the Rocky Mountains, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Payment Processing & Fulfillment

While visiting a park might be free, many of the programs people love the most, from fitness classes and kids' sports teams to aquatic exercise and more, require payment. You need a system in place to help you process those payments simply and securely.

Simplify & Streamline Purchasing

When it's time to find and purchase new equipment to outfit or update your facility, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Luckily, you can make the process easier by working with service providers whose goal is to help streamline the procurement process for you.

Make Your Aquatics More Inclusive

Aquatic facilities offer unique benefits to those with disabilities, providing a way to improve physical and mental health. While meeting ADA requirements for swimming pools is important, you should take your programming one step further, to be sure you are providing as many ways for people of varying abilities to get involved as you can.

Renovate Your Pool Affordably

Many pools deteriorate over time and now require infrastructure upgrades to meet code requirements and the public's expectations. Although no worthwhile renovation is inexpensive, rethinking how you approach the project can save 50% to 75%, compared to a new pool—while resulting in a superior end product.