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Flexible Seating for Sports & Events

In a post-pandemic world, physical distancing may become the new norm. When you host events, from parades to sporting events, you want to be sure spectators have a great view and room to spread out. Finding a spot for every spectator in this new normal might require expanding your seating capabilities. For flexibility and the ability to provide seating in different locations and at different events, transportable bleachers are a smart choice.

Enclose Power for Safety

When you need to run power to your site, whether for sports lighting or providing power for events and festivals, safety should be a top priority. You need solutions that enable you to provide power and controls while protecting the public and your equipment.

Artistic Shade Solutions

Shelters, gazebos and shade structures can be a simple way to provide visitors to your site with a location for picnics, family gatherings and more. But you can go one step further with your shade solutions, adding artistic and aesthetically pleasing elements to create a beautiful and artistic focal point that will make your park stand out.

Make a Good Impression With Site Furnishings

Many people turn to online reviews before they visit a location, and that goes for parks and public facilities too. What's more, people are more likely to write reviews after negative experiences than positive experiences. To ensure your site is earning top ratings from visitors, it's important to pay close attention to the details.

Safe Havens in Public Places

There's no doubt that we've learned a lot over the past year about how to protect people from contagion. Social distancing measures, masks and more have been useful in preventing the spread of respiratory illness, especially in public places. There's a lot we can continue to do over the long term to help protect visitors to parks and other public places.

Expand With Ninja Programs

Attracting new members to your facility, as well as boosting participation among your existing members, requires careful attention and continual refreshing of your programming. Taking advantage of ongoing trends, like the interest in Ninja activities driven by TV shows like American Ninja Warriors, is one way to increase participation while building revenue at your facility.

Restroom Safety & Savings

After more than a year of social distancing, the public is eager to return to recreation centers, fitness clubs, sports facilities, parks, aquatic centers and other recreation-focused facilities. Facilities have learned that many of the measures put in place to protect people's health and prevent the spread of disease are long-term, rather than temporary, solutions.

Higher-Profit, Lower-Labor Synthetic Turf

If you want synthetic turf installations that go faster, with less labor and higher profits, apply the adhesive by airless spray. However, in order to obtain this favorable outcome, the adhesive should have several important qualities.

Turn Unutilized Land Into a Recreation Destination

Many communities might boast beautiful parks and open spaces, but still have unused or under-utilized land. These spaces present a unique opportunity to create a revenue-generating recreation destination.

Reboot Pool Programming After COVID

Last year's pandemic-related pool closures and limits on attendance had a dramatic impact on the number of people who were able to get out and enjoy aquatics-related activities. Now that most aquatic facilities are reopening, it's a great time to expand your program offerings to attract a wider range of pool patrons to your facility.