Recent Articles

Alternate Routes

When you want to take sports activities, recreation, fitness and swimming year-round, sometimes a simple solution is the smartest. From pool enclosures that let the sun shine in to clear-span structures that make indoor soccer and football possible, there are plenty of ways to get the job done.

Circulate Savings With the Right Pump

Pool professionals can increase their energy savings by selecting properly sized pool pumps. With new legislation on variable speed pumps taking effect this month, now is the time to make your pool more efficient.

Off the Deep End

Successful aquatic facilities offer a range of programming, from the basic and expected learn-to-swim and lifeguard training through aquatic exercise, water polo, kayaking and much more. Learn more about the trends that will keep your facility swimming to success.

Play Along

Playground manufacturers, planners and designers are increasingly seeking to go far beyond mere accessibility to provide truly inclusive playspaces that allow those with physical and developmental disabilities to play alongside their peers.

Career Highlights

In our 14th Annual Salary Survey, we track the careers, experience and salaries of nearly 1,400 survey respondents, covering everything from education and certification to job satisfaction, raises and more.

Fireworks & Fests

By the time you're reading this, the 4th of July and its associated events will likely have passed. How was it where you are? Around here, it looks like a very mixed bag, with some events proceeding as normal, some new events added, and some events canceled.

A Fitter Future With IHRSA

This month, we'd like to spotlight an industry that was extremely hard-hit by the global pandemic: fitness.

Trends in Sports & Rec Centers

Whether publicly or privately owned, community sports and recreation centers offer myriad activities and opportunities to the communities they serve. This web-exclusive examines the trends in sports and rec centers.