Recent Articles

Plan to Recover

From wildfires to hurricanes and more, Mother Nature can do a lot of damage. Parks and recreation areas that are faced with natural disasters should have plans in place to recover smoothly.

Indoor Sports Flooring: Be More Versatile

When you have a sports facility that needs to serve multiple purposes, modular sports flooring can provide the flexibility you need without sacrificing player safety and aesthetics.

Play It Safe

Given that falls to the surface are the cause of most playground-related injuries and E.R. visits, understanding playground safety surfaces is crucial.

Spread the Word

You don’t need a huge marketing budget to be effective at getting the public into your facilities and programs. You just need to take advantage of the tools at your disposal.

Swim Toward Success

Learn-to-swim is the foundation of most aquatic facilities, but to ensure you are earning revenues to cover your operations, it’s wise to expand your options.

Continual Reinvention

It's not the New Year yet, and yet I find myself in one of those reinvention phases. You know how it is. You take a look around and take stock and think, I'm bored with myself.

ADA Awareness, Compliance & Programs

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 56.7 million people in the United States with a disability in 2010. That represents 19 percent—nearly one-fifth—of the population. This includes both physical and mental impairments that have an impact on major life activities.

Women Gain Ground in Sports Information Careers

Title IX brought about a sense of inclusion for women in sport, and more women have taken on careers in the sports industry, gaining ground in marketing, events, communications and more. But in some areas, women are still laying the groundwork.