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Find Your Fit

Functional fitness is all the rage, and fitness equipment manufacturers are providing new and innovative machines that can accommodate it. Here, we take a look at this and other trends in fitness equipment.

The Last Word with…Jane Katz

Dr. Jane Katz is a bundle of energy and positivity. She's taught thousands of people how to swim, starting in 1964 at the City University of New York (CUNY) and since 1989 at John Jay College where she's a professor in the Department of Health and Physical Education.

What to Do After Wildfires

Wildfires can have a devastating impact on an area. Here’s some advice for restoring and repairing swimming pools after a wildfire.

Spray & Play

Splash play areas continue to be a hot item among parks and other providers of recreation. As these amenities grow in use, manufacturers have done their research to better understand what makes them more successful.

Wet & Wild

Waterparks continue to grow in popularity, and designers and operators are always looking for the next new thing that will get patrons through the gate and keep them coming back for a splashing good time.

Get Inspired

Nature has long been one of humankind’s most common sources of inspiration. Parks have stepped up to provide an outlet both for artists and for those who want to view the beauty.

Greener Than Ever

From greener practices to smarter use of turfgrass and other plants, grounds managers are on the cutting edge, wisely using resources to provide more effective and efficient sites and sports fields.

Pump It Up

Sports facilities are all about providing a great experience for both team players and spectators, and one of the essential elements is the way the game is viewed and communicated. Advances in scoreboards, lighting and sound make more possible.