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Choose Materials to Meet Site Needs

When selecting furnishings for a park or other site, it's important to find the best options that will accommodate the most typical uses of your site, from picnics and playtime to just sitting and watching the view. You should pick quality furnishings that are inviting and comfortable for users.

Create Beautiful Gathering Places

Your community's parks and open spaces can be the perfect spot for gatherings. Whether visitors are hosting a family reunion or just getting together for a picnic, the park is the place to go.

Provide Shade That Adapts to the Weather

When you're designing outdoor spaces for people to enjoy recreation, sports or aquatics, it's important to provide a way for patrons to get out of the sun. Fabric shade structures are a great way to increase the comfort of guests while also adding an aesthetically pleasing element to your site.

Create an Inclusive Aquatic Playground

Aquatic playgrounds have become a popular amenity in communities across the country, providing visitors a chance to have some fun and cool off in the water. What's more, creating an inclusive play experience is simple on the splash pad, providing a positive experience for people of all abilities.

Take Sports Programs Year-Round

Many communities offer exciting and fun opportunities to get involved in sports programming. But if you live in a less forgiving climates, outdoor sports like soccer and football must give way for bad weather. The good news is, you can find solutions that will take your sports programs and training year-round.

Manage Waste Wisely

Managing trash and recycle collection can be time-consuming, and unpredictable traffic patterns on city streets and in public parks can make it even more challenging. Modernizing your waste management system with wireless sensors is a smart way to maximize efficiency.

Ensuring Reliable Operation of Field Lighting

The decision to add or upgrade your field lighting is a big one, with many things to consider. Some of these include cost, energy efficiency and making sure your lights aren't creating disruptive spill or glare for neighbors.

Make Your Park Pet-Friendly

Dog parks are a popular community amenity, with millions of dog owners across the country enjoying a visit to socialize with their pets and with other people. Trails also provide a great way for pet owners to get themselves and their dogs out for a little exercise.

Provide a Large Menu in a Small Space

With so many different tastes, diets and food preferences now, it's important to provide a variety of menu options without investing a large amount of space or capital.