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Encourage Biking in Your Community

Community parks provide a place for people to gather together and get active, but for many people, getting to and from the park can be a challenge. The Safe Routes to Parks Activating Communities program aims to improve the safety and security of walking and biking to parks through technical assistance and grant funding

Provide Fitness for the Whole Community

Inactivity and the chronic illnesses it leads to continue to have a negative impact on the country's health, leading many communities to look for new ways to encourage activity. While many parks and recreation organizations provide relatively low-cost fitness centers, not everyone is willing to sign up for a membership, and a lot of people prefer to exercise outdoors.

Transform Your Nightmare Pool to a Dream

When your aquatic facility begins to show signs of wear and tear, it's important to address issues right away. The good news is that even when your pool begins to look like a nightmare, you don't have to break the bank to turn it back into a dream pool.

Heat Your Pool Efficiently

Finding ways to reduce cost and improve efficiency is always important for aquatic facilities. Efficient pool heating is one way to help.

Provide Play to Encourage Child Development

Play is important for children's physical and mental development. The skills learned when we play as children build a foundation of lifelong skills that we build on as we grow.

Problems Need Solutions

If you are in charge of a recreation, sports or fitness facility, you know that there are unique challenges and problems that can arise. Some problems have easy fixes, while others take a little or a lot more effort. But no matter what kind of challenge you're facing today, it's highly unlikely that it's unique

One Eye on the Future

When you’re building a new facility, it’s important to take the future into account. Sure, you might know just what your community wants and needs now, but how do you anticipate future needs, and ensure you have the budget to accommodate them?