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Outdoor Recreation Economy Delivers $1.2 Trillion Impact

The latest economic data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) measures the outdoor recreation economy for the U.S. at $1.2 trillion, confirming the industry’s crucial role in fostering economic growth, innovation and job creation. 

More Than Two-Thirds Plan Construction

More than two-thirds of respondents to the Industry Report survey in 2024 said they had plans for construction at their facilities over the next several years. 

A Place to Go

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Access to clean and safe restrooms is no longer just a luxury, but an essential, expected amenity in public parks. Indeed, clean restrooms, as a source of comfort and convenience, can help park visitors be more at ease, and encourage frequent and lengthy visits.

Parks, Colleges Have the Most Courts

Industry Report survey respondents from parks were the most likely to have outdoor courts for sports like basketball and tennis, while those from colleges were the most likely to have indoor courts.