Recent Stories

Endangered Species

As a youth, you may have dreamed of competing against other children in sports. It was exciting to play against friends, neighbors or school rivals. Playing a sport as a child was fun. Practicing in your driveway or at the gym with friends led to spending hours "perfecting your craft."

More on the SFMA

The newly rebranded Sports Field Management Association (SFMA) is ideal for those who take part in ensuring sports fields at all levels of play are safe and playable, said President of the Board James Bergdoll, CSFM, CPRP, director of park maintenance for the City of Chattanooga, Tenn.

Endangered Species

Between angry coaches and parents and other industry pressures, sports officials have had a rough go of it over the past several years. Attracting young, new professionals—and keeping their interest—is crucial to carry sport forward.

Thank Goodness for You

We've just had our first run of warmer-than-60-degree days, and I am filled with the hope that is spring. These past few years, it feels as though just when I can't take it anymore, the sun suddenly starts to feel warm again (even when it's still winter in the shade), and the winter aconite force their sunny faces through the snow.

Betting Big on Tennis

The U.S. Tennis Association Mid-Atlantic Section is building a state-of-the-art 36-court tennis campus in Loudoun County, Va., creating a hub for year-round community health and wellness.

Making It All Fit

The coronavirus pandemic drove people outdoors to parks, trails and other sites for recreation, fitness and socializing in record numbers. All of that increased wear and tear might have you thinking about your parks and sites, with an eye toward making some improvements.

Fully Furnished

Site furnishings are essential to any park. Choosing the right materials and colors is especially important to ensure that you have the right balance for your site.

Playful Destinations

Attract Visitors & Community Members With Destination Playgrounds

Sometimes you want to create a play experience with a little more bang—a place that might offer a variety of play amenities plus other activities: a destination playground.