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Aquatics by the Numbers

Building on the longtime success of our Annual State of the Industry Report, last year we began compiling data specifically about aquatic facilities, which makes this our second annual Aquatic Trends Report.

A Deep Dive Into Aquatic Facility Trends

In our second annual Aquatic Trends Report, we examine the results of an extensive survey of hundreds of aquatic professionals to uncover the latest trends in their facilities, covering everything from equipment and programming to budgets and challenges.

Old Dogs & New Tricks

If you've ever adopted an older dog, you know that the old saw about old dogs and new tricks isn't literally true. Twice now, I've adopted full-grown dogs and taught them new tricks.

Field Goals

If your sports field sees increasing demand and high traffic, you need to know the best strategies for keeping it in playing condition. Here, we talk to sports-field-savvy pros to learn the best practices for minimizing wear and tear.

Canine Comforts

Once upon a time, if you wanted to exercise your doggo, you took him for a stroll around the block. Nowadays, park spaces dedicated to our canine companions are becoming the norm in many communities. Learn more about how to develop your own pet park, with an eye to equity.

Start Small Grow Big

Every once in a while, a sport suddenly surges in popularity, and facilities are left scrambling to figure out how to accommodate the demand. Learn more about how you can update your offerings to include pickleball.