Recent Stories

Introducing PHIT America Month

With more than 70 percent of American adults either overweight or obese, PHIT America has launched its first ever PHIT America Month to help inspire millions of Americans to get up, get out and get a move on.

Fitness for All

Campus recreation centers are still a centerpiece, providing a useful tool in recruiting new students and ensuring good quality of life for existing students.

Go Greener

Earth Day happens every year in April, and this month, we're taking the opportunity to celebrate by offering up some suggestions to make your operations a little greener.

Get Moving, Get Playing!

Screen time might be tempting a lot of kids to forgo activity, but that doesn't mean you should sit back and let it happen. Designing active playgrounds is one way to encourage kids and their families to put down the device and get moving.

When Disaster Strikes

When hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes and other disasters threaten, parks can be on the front line. Being prepared before disaster strikes is the key to success.

Military Recreation: A Little R&R

Providing a place for military members and their families to let off a little steam and have a little fun helps contribute to mission success.