Recent Stories

Drowning Prevention Experts Reveal Water Safety Action Plan

Drowning is a major public health issue, resulting in the loss of an average of 11 people every day, along with countless nonfatal drowning incidents. In an effort to address what is one of the top causes of death among adults and children in the United States, the inaugural U.S. National Water Safety Action Plan (USNWSAP) aims to unite communities and help put an end to preventable drowning tragedies. 

ACE Study Shows Benefits of Customized Exercise

A recent study from the American Council on Exercise revealed consistent evidence that personalized exercise programming optimizes training responsiveness and positively impacts cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness and cardiometabolic health.

On the Money

Our 16th Annual Salary Survey
Our annual Salary Survey takes a closer look at the salary and career information of more than 1,000 professionals who responded to the Industry Report survey.

Competitive Edge

Add Competition to Your Aquatic Program Lineup
Learn-to-swim is the foundation of all other programs, but what if you want to offer more? Consider adding competitive programs like water polo, diving and more to grow your aquatic program lineup.

Something for Everyone

Inclusive Playgrounds Continue to Expand Play Possibilities
Inclusive play continues to expand as more and more facilities seek ways to make sure everyone is able to enjoy the playground. Learn more about how this trend continues to develop.