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Proactive Problem Prevention

Playgrounds Encourage Safe Risk-Taking
Playgrounds can encourage kids to stretch beyond their current abilities, helping them to grow physically, cognitively, socially and more—and manufacturers work to ensure those risks aren’t too risky. 

Constant Vigilance

Addressing Aquatic Safety
Providing a safe swimming experience requires a layered approach, with lifeguards on the frontline, and audits, careful attention to design and more occurring behind the scenes. 

Safe & Secure

Sports Venue Safety Strategies
From athletic trainers and coaches who keep players safe, to staff and partners who ensure spectators are protected, sports venues must address a wide range of risks.

Eye on the Skies

Be Ready for Bad Weather
Sports and recreational activities can put people at risk when the weather turns bad, with lightning and excessive heat representing the biggest dangers. 

Schoolyard Transformations

Trees, Gardens & Play Spaces Bring New Life to Schoolyards
The Trust for Public Land has been on a mission to bring more park space to more people. Transforming asphalt schoolyards is a part of that process.