Recent Stories

Meet in Montana

Inspiration meets innovation in this Western Montana's Glacier Country, where breathtaking landscapes offer vibrant mountain communities brimming with small-town charm and big-city amenities. 

Applying New Tools

The recent renovation of the Triangle Aquatic Center in Cary, N.C., allowed the design team to try new approaches to masonry design.

Community Identity

Public art should be representative of the community where it is installed, which is why it is crucial to ensure your public art programs welcome a variety of voices and styles. Learn more about how to expand the scope of public art.

Applying the Lessons of 2020

The year 2020 delivered the coronavirus pandemic with its related staffing shortages, as well as a renewed drive to be more inclusive of diverse populations. Here's how facilities are carrying forward the lessons they learned.

Protect & Serve

After a year of shutdowns, kids of all ages were happy to get back to playing sports. In addition to protecting them from illness, there are best practices to keep sports facilities safe, prevent injuries and encourage good sportsmanship.

Safe In (and Out of) the Water

Ensuring swimmers and staff are as safe as possible begins before the facility is even built, with careful attention to design. From there, best practices and well-trained lifeguards are the key to continuing success.

Let Kids Take Risks

We know playgrounds are doing their job when they allow kids to take measured risks, stretching their boundaries and learning about their minds, bodies and relationships. Proper safety practices, including good surfacing and regular inspections are an essential part of the process.