Recent Stories

The Light Ahead

In his novel Jitterbug Perfume, Tom Robbins writes, "However more abbreviated than its cousins it may look, February feels longer than any of them. It is the meanest moon of winter, all the more cruel because it will masquerade as spring, occasionally for hours at a time, only to rip off its mask with a sadistic laugh and spit icicles into every gullible face, behavior that grows quickly old."

Bringing Sport to Chicago

The Chicago Soccer Initiative recently completed its 50th mini-pitch, part of the U.S. Soccer Foundation’s nationwide goal to create 1,000 mini-pitches by 2026.

Waste Not, Want Not

Two Wisconsin YMCAs made use of buildings that were already in place to create new facilities while saving construction materials.

The Playground of the Future

When a popular park with plenty of trees needed a new playground solution, they found a futuristic-looking option that didn’t sacrifice the existing shade.