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Trends in Parks & Recreation

Parks and recreation faced unique challenges over the past year, with more visitors to outdoor locations. This section of the Industry Report takes a look at this and other trends.

Trends in Aquatic Facilities

This section of the Industry Report takes a deep dive into aquatic facility trends, including indoor and outdoor pools, splash play areas, waterparks and spas.

Can You See the Light?

By the time you're reading this, our 15th annual State of the Industry Report, much of the country will be reopened and on a (hopefully) rapid road back to business as usual. As I write this, states are gradually reducing or removing their restrictions.

The Test of Time

The new 130,000-square-foot Robert Crown Community Center opened in March 2020, with a modern, clean and durable look that will weather well in the long term.

Smart Strategies

Using smart strategies and innovations can make all the difference in getting your pool into tip-top shape. By establishing a set of goals and conducting a thorough assessment of your facility, you can renovate your pool successfully—without breaking the bank.

Water Worlds

As construction of new indoor and outdoor aquatic parks again ramps up, park designers are seeing clients opt to go bigger and better using the latest product innovations to create more exciting, more active and more intergenerational parks.

Purposeful Pools

What’s New in Natatorium Design? Natatoriums are always working to enhance their offerings and draw a variety of users to keep their facilities successful, while also addressing the challenges of air and water quality.