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Revitalize Your Park

If your parks are looking lackluster or drawing fewer visitors, it might be time to think about an upgrade. But if budgets are tight, big projects might be out of reach. How can you revitalize your park without breaking the bank? A simple upgrade to your site's furnishings is a simple and effective way to invite more visitors by improving the aesthetic of the park.

The Solution for Clear, Clean Water

Keeping swimmers safe is top of mind for all aquatic facility operators right now. One of the most important keys to safe swimming is consistent water quality. Maintaining water quality protects swimmers from waterborne illnesses and provides a clear view for lifeguards doing crucial work.

Build a Unique, Customized Splash Pad

Splash play has seen dramatic growth over the past couple of decades, as facilities turn to this simple way to provide fun in the water for visitors. As more and more communities have added splash pads to their mix of recreation and aquatic offerings, manufacturers have grown more innovative, meeting demand with an ever-expanding array of products.

Customized Shelters Make a Statement

When you're designing a park, you look to create an aesthetically pleasing and inviting space where families and friends can enjoy some respite and recreation. If you want to stand out, look for customizations that make site amenities your own.

Collect Waste More Efficiently

Waste collection is time-consuming and requires a lot of staff members to regularly check on receptacles that may or may not be full. To streamline this process, the city of Pittsburgh deployed "smart" trash cans throughout the city.

Keep Locker Rooms Clean and Dry

Impressing patrons with little luxuries doesn't need to break the bank. Small details can make a big difference. A well-maintained and supplied locker room can go a long way to make a good impression on your guests. By keeping things clean and providing the right amenities, you can please patrons, improve safety and reduce your maintenance costs.

Aquatics All Year Long

If your pool has to close for inclement weather or when the summer ends, you could be missing out on revenue opportunities. Pool enclosures that offer both an indoor and outdoor experience provide a smart solution.

Flexible Seating for Sports & Events

In a post-pandemic world, physical distancing may become the new norm. When you host events, from parades to sporting events, you want to be sure spectators have a great view and room to spread out. Finding a spot for every spectator in this new normal might require expanding your seating capabilities.

Sanitization Solution

With the pressure on to meet ever-changing cleanliness rules to get your pools open and keep them open, you can take control of keeping pool water sanitized and facility surfaces clean by generating your own chlorine and cleaning solutions.

Safe Pool Operations & Social Distancing

When COVID-19 forced the shutdown of businesses of all kinds, aquatic professionals rallied together to work with their local health departments to develop plans to reopen their pools safely. With guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), aquatic professionals have channeled their passion for the industry into broad guidelines.