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The Importance of Proper Pool Water Treatment

The importance of regularly and properly testing and treating pool water, especially during COVID-19, cannot be emphasized enough. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have said that the virus cannot be passed through properly treated pool water, it is just as crucial as ever to ensure your water testing is accurate and complete in order to ensure healthy water quality.

More Profitable Turf Installations

Many synthetic turf installations are slowed down by preventable circumstances. For example, when the turf adhesive being used has a strict temperature range, or precipitation is in the forecast but the adhesive cannot be exposed to water until it cures, or the adhesive has no "green strength" (grab, tack, grip). Using turf adhesives with a limited working window or inferior adhesive properties can result in expensive delays while waiting for "ideal" weather.

A Playground Surface Maintenance Solution

Loose-fill playground safety surfaces such as engineered wood fiber are highly economical, safe and readily available, which is why this tends to be the most commonly used surface type for playgrounds. However, loose-fill surfacing does require regular maintenance, especially in high-use areas.

Choose Eco-Friendly Materials

When it comes to selecting materials for site furnishings, an increasing number of parks and other site owners are looking for ways to improve their environmental footprint. From picnic areas to playgrounds to ballfields and beyond, there is a wealth of high-quality furnishings available, and there are more eco-friendly options than you might realize.

Create a Stand-Out Dog Park

Dog parks continue to see growth, with millions of dog owners across the country looking for a place to socialize with their pets and other people. But a dog park can be so much more than a simple fenced-in run for pets with a few benches and pet-waste receptacles. There are simple ways to make your dog park stand out from the pack.

Modernize Your Pool

It might seem impossible to bring your older pool up to date, but with smart renovation strategies, you can cost-effectively modernize your existing facility.

Protect Guests From Unnecessary Risk in Aquatics

NSF/ANSI Standard 50 outlines performance requirements of safety surfaces installed around interactive water play venues such as splash play areas. Adherence to this standard may result in a decrease of aquatics-related lawsuits and lower incidence rates for injuries.

Provide Fresh Air & Sunshine

All indoor spaces need some form of ventilation—especially indoor aquatic facilities, where proper ventilation can help achieve and maintain good air quality as well as improving comfort, health and safety.

Concrete Slab Moisture & Gym Floors

Concrete has been around for a very long time. What's the difference today? What used to take a year or two to build is done today in record time.