Recent Articles

Smart Strategies for Safe and Contactless Reopening

Safely opening parks and recreation facilities requires smart strategies to protect patrons and staff from illness. Complete facility management solutions can help you adhere to capacity requirements, while also providing contactless options.

Expand Public Spaces

With the social distancing measures and rolling closures of indoor public spaces caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it's become increasingly important to provide safe spaces for people to gather and socialize while adhering to health requirements.

Encourage Better Hand Hygiene

As facilities reopen, it's crucial to do everything possible to protect the health of members and visitors. In addition to reminding visitors to practice social distancing and wear cloth masks to protect others from transmission of viruses, you should also encourage proper hand hygiene to prevent the spread of disease.

Boost Physical & Mental Health

With the coronavirus pandemic driving uncertainty and anxiety, it is more important than ever to focus on ways to keep kids, teens and adults healthy, both physically and mentally. There is no doubt that time spent outside is beneficial for all, and we need to provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to get active and stay healthy.

The Road to Reopening

We talked to industry leaders to find out their advice and examples of approaches to take when reopening facilities.

Got Downtime? Upgrade Your Pump Room

Many commercial aquatic facilities have been closed for the summer due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While you might be missing the guests in your pool, the prolonged shutdown does give aquatic facilities to opportunity to upgrade equipment in the pump room.


Welcome to our annual Problem-Solver Idea Book.

Packed with scores of ideas, this reference tool was designed to help you tackle your most persistent and universal challenges, covering all the big basic questions. Consider it an industry guidebook of sorts, chock full of straightforward problem-solving tips.



Problems & Solutions

Cracked pool surfaces, unsafe playgrounds, social distancing guidelines, rusting site furnishings, new turf installations, unsightly waste receptacles—no matter what your role is, and no matter what type of facility you operate, you're going to come across challenges and issues.

The Growing Importance of Virtual Programming

The COVID-19 pandemic has moved much of the world online, and people of all generations are coming to embrace virtual engagement opportunities. Find out how to use virtual programming to boost your revenue potential with minimal overhead.

Misconceptions About Chlorine Demand

There have been several changes in water care over the past few years, including an increase in saltwater pools and more. Through these changes, one problem that remains prevalent is chlorine demand.