Editor's Desk

Pillars of Health

Parks, recreation, sports and fitness facilities do a lot to contribute to the whole-person health of their visitors and communities.

Splash & Slide, Surf & Ride

Just as waterparks have developed into ever more complex offerings of water fun, splash play has arisen and grown, with more and more communities providing a place to splash and have fun without the dangers of deeper water.

Go Team!

If you want your facility to stand out, make sure you’ve got a great team.

Accept the Challenge

Whether your facility is facing big problems or little frustrations, you can accept the challenge and get to work on a solution.

Stay Cool

Recreation, sports and fitness professionals who work with folks in the great outdoors on the hottest days of summer must take great care in the heat, ensuring that exercisers and athletes are staying hydrated and not exerting themselves to a dangerous point of no return. 


Measuring Up

This month, we’re offering you plenty of baselines for comparison, in the form of our annual State of the Industry Report, now in its 18th year. 


The Long View

We may not have a highly accurate crystal ball, but the views of far-thinking designers might be the next best thing.

A Diversity of Aquatic Offerings

From community aquatic centers to natatoriums and beyond, aquatic facilities are increasingly being planned to meet a wide variety of community wants and needs. 


Of Fools & Flowers

Don’t be a fool this April. Take action to make your facility more sustainable.