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Bring Beach Fun to the Playspace

Everyone loves playing in the water, and water all by itself creates a natural draw to kids and adults alike. But you can go above and beyond and create a splash play area that will stand out and draw a crowd by adding themed elements.

Keep Tables & Seats Cool & Comfortable

When designing parks and other spaces where people gather to sit at picnic tables and benches, it is crucial to consider comfort and safety. Selecting and placing your site furnishings requires close attention to materials as well as orientation to ensure that seats and tabletops don't get too hot.

Find Sustainable Restroom Solutions

It's becoming more common for owners and operators of parks, camps and other outdoor sites that feature restroom structures to seek out solutions that conserve energy while providing a pleasant experience for patrons. What's more, most states are beginning to require that insulated, heated restroom structures meet energy code requirements.

Simplify Your Towel Service

One essential tactic for improving member retention at your fitness or recreation facility is ensuring patrons' comfort and ease of use. A towel service is important, but it can be tricky to find the best way to handle clean vs. dirty towels. In addition, a lot of equipment needs a place to go to help keep things looking nice and neat.

Build a Sustainable Year-Round Sports Facility

When you want to take your sports programming from seasonal to all-season, you need to find a building solution that works. But keeping a building operating through all the seasons can be costly, in terms of energy costs and environmental impact. The right building solution can help reduce your costs by saving energy and running more efficiently.

Renew Your Sprayground

Spraygrounds continue to be tremendously popular in communities across the United States, but now that they've been around a while, some owners are finding they'd like to renew their splash play to generate excitement and attract new users. The good news is that there are simple ways to refresh your sprayground without starting from scratch.

Provide All-Season Sport & Training

People of all ages love getting involved in the great sports programming offered in nearly every community. But if your sports commonly take place outside—like soccer or football—the end of warmer weather brings a long lull. There are solutions, though, that will allow you to provide training and play in every season.

Coordinate Your Park's Look

When you want to create a beautiful, cohesive park that will draw your community for gatherings, contemplation, sports and fun, consider adding a coordinated series of shelters, gazebos, kiosks and more to provide a unique look.

Solve Synthetic Turf Seams Problems

Most synthetic turf problems are seam failures due to poor adhesive selection because both buyers and installers don't realize the importance of using a "high green strength" adhesive. However, most of the seam installation problems and durability problems later can often be solved by using a "high green strength" adhesive.

Ensure Your Playground Safety Surface Meets Your Needs

Because most playground injuries occur when children fall to the surface, ensuring you have an effective surface installed beneath your equipment is crucial. But how do you know your surface provides adequate protection? There are many contributing factors that can lessen your surface's effectiveness after installation, from hot or cold temperatures to inadequate maintenance and beyond.