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LED Retrofits: System Reliability & Longevity

Well-designed LED sports lighting can reduce energy consumption by up to 70%, while improving light quality and control. So it's no surprise that sporting venues are increasingly turning to LEDs, a strategy made more cost-effective by the ability to retrofit by installing new lighting technology on existing poles.

Inclusive Playground Design Considerations

Playgrounds, recreation and outdoor fitness spaces help communities get outside, get moving and develop skills that transcend the playspace. There are many factors to consider in inclusive playground design, and we've reached out to ask about a few!

Plan an Effective Functional Fitness Space

Attracting and retaining members is the key to ensuring your fitness facility's ongoing success, and that means providing up-to-date equipment and the latest trends in programming. Functional fitness aims to support people in their everyday lives, improving their flexibility and strength. You can set up your fitness facility to support functional fitness, along with any other programming trends.

Protection for Special Events

Parks, recreation and sports organizations often host special events, from 4th of July fests to Turkey Trots, concerts in the park, sports tournaments and more. When you host a special event, you can face liability risks. Special event insurance can help.

Bring More People to the Pool

Aquatic facility directors are always on the lookout for creative new ideas to keep pools busy—especially during non-peak periods—and maximize the bottom line. This often translates into the need for creative new ideas when it comes to pool programming.

Provide Hydration Where It's Needed

Americans purchase about 50 billion plastic water bottles every year, averaging about 13 bottles per month for each person in the U.S. There's no doubt that hydration is important, but if you want to reduce waste and hit your organization's sustainability goals, encouraging hydration without the plastic waste is a smart step.

Attract Aquatic Guests Year-Round

One of the top challenges for aquatic facilities is growing their membership, along with providing quality programming and facilities. Aquatic facilities that can operate and attract guests year-round, providing protection during the colder months and an open-air experience in the summer, can overcome these challenges.

Engage the Public

As we continue to navigate the post-pandemic world, many facilities are still struggling with engaging community members in their program and class offerings. One way to deal with this challenge is to meet communities where they are: on social media.

Solve Access Issues

Providing access to lockers or other spaces is useful for a wide variety of facilities, from fitness club and aquatic center locker rentals to allowing temporary access to spaces like campground cabins and more. Providing access to customers can be a challenge, though, requiring your staff to spend valuable time coding and recoding locks, helping customers who forgot their combination, or managing other unwieldy access solutions.

Simplify Payment Processing & Fulfillment

From day camps to fitness classes and recreation center memberships, the products and services offered through parks, recreation, sports and fitness facilities can vary. However, most share one aspect—requiring payment. An ineffective or outdated payment processing solution can present challenges for overstretched staff, and frustration for patrons. You need a system in place that will allow you to accept payments securely and efficiently.