RecReport Stats

Events, Exercise, Education Are Top 3 Programs

When it comes to the various types of programming offered at their facilities, the most common for all respondents to the Industry Report survey are holidays and special events, group exercise programs, and educational programs. 

Half of All Respondents Have Fitness Centers

Around one-half (50.5%) of all respondents to the Industry Report survey said they currently have a fitness center, while a little more than one-quarter (27.2%) currently have outdoor fitness trails or outdoor gyms.

Majority of Parks, Camps Have Trails

While just over half (52.2%) of all respondents to the 2024 Industry Report survey said they currently have walking and hiking trails, around three-quarters of park respondents (75.4%) and camp respondents (74%) said they currently have walking and hiking trails.

Majority Are Familiar With MAHC

More than six out of 10 (61.5%) respondents to the Aquatic Trends Survey in 2024 said they are familiar with the MAHC, up from 58.3% in 2023. Some 28.1% said they are very familiar with the code, while a third (33.4%) said they are somewhat familiar with the code. Another 38.5% of respondents are unfamiliar with the MAHC. 

Camps, Parks Lead on Green Initiatives

Respondents to the 2024 Industry Report survey from camps and parks were the most likely to be involved in conservation and green initiatives, as well as programs to help connect people with nature.

More Than Two-Thirds Plan Construction

More than two-thirds of respondents to the Industry Report survey in 2024 said they had plans for construction at their facilities over the next several years.